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Plumbing Trade Test

Do you dream of becoming a qualified plumber? Have you been working as Plumber or assistant for 3 years? Then you likely qualify to write your trade exam. Turn your dream into reality with Nomanzi Trade College. Allow us to help you prepare for your Red Seal electrical trade test.

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Minimum Requirements For Trade Test:

For individuals that has a minimum of 3 years working experience in South Africa, they can attempt a trade test ad we can assist them with that.
  1. Trade tests consist of an ARPL ( artisan recognition of prior learning) that is an assessment we do before a trade test is attempted. According to the outcome we can determine if a candidate needs more training in a certain area and that will be covered in the trade test preparation.
  2. Trade test preparation. Duration for plumbers is 10 - 12 working days. Depending on individual needs. Nomanzi will prepare the candidate on all modules that he might get in the trade test.
  3. Trade Test. Over 2 working days.
  4. Once the trade test is passed the candidate will receive trade test results and will be submit the results to the department for verifying and printing of the trade certificate ( red seal )
Documentation we will need is:
  1. Certified copy of an ID (certification not older than 3 months).
  2. Service letter or an affidavit.
The price is R12500.00 (all inclusive)

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